The Commune of Europe
From local communes towards a transnational struggle. Discussion input on the transnational long-term perspectives of Blockupy.
A year of hope and defeat or: Those who aim high can fall deep
2015 was a turbulent one: the massive transnational mobilization to block the ECB opening in Frankfurt on a weekday as well as the powerful OXI in July gave us a spirit of change and let the possibility to widen the cracks in the system become tangible.
Let's make history!
An invitation by the Commune of Europe to build in many people on the streets of Frankfurt the 18th of March
Willkommen in einer neuen Ära der Kämpfe gegen das Krisen- und Austeritätsregime. Wir haben keine Lust mehr, wortreiche Reden zu schwingen. Es ist fast alles gesagt. Es gibt natürlich immer vieles zu diskutieren und bedenken – und trotzdem: Es ist die Zeit, zu kämpfen.
Facciamo la storia!
Un invito della Comune di Europa a costruire in tanti e tante la giornata del 18 marzo a Francoforte.
Benvenuti in una nuova era di lotte contro il regime della crisi e dell’austerità. Non vogliamo dilungarci: è già stato detto abbastanza. Ovvio, c'è ancora molto da discutere e prendere in considerazione. Ma alla fine ora è il momento di lottare.
Let's make history!
An invitation by the Commune of Europe to build in many people on the streets of Frankfurt the 18th of March
Welcome to a new era of struggles against the regime of crisis and austerity. We don’t feel like holding wordy speeches anymore. Enough said. Of course, there’s always a lot to discuss and to consider. After all: Now it’s time to fight.